
C H A N G E is good

Change may have a positive or negative effect to you. It's up to you whether you choose to change in order to be better or worse. Change starts with me it is a choice i must make. Change in order to become better. Change so things wont get complicated. Change starts with you. And the only person that can help you change totally is you , yourself.

New year, another chapter

New year is the start of another chapter of our lives. It is when people start another phase of their lives. A beginning of a new story. Some people do the thing "new year's revolution." This 2019 i will change for the better. First by changing my bad attitude because some people dont appreciate it. Second i need to socialize to other people because i prefer staying at our house and waste time. And lastly my faith to God that is the most important thing to strengthen that faith in order for you to do good things and prevent wrong doings. To make right choices and not bad ones. And for you to become a better person.

Christmas : the month of giving

What is christmas ?  Christmas is the season when we celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus christ. Christmas is the season of giving gifts to our loved ones. We give gifts to tell them that they are important to us. "Its better to give than to recieve."That is the essence of christmas

men and women are the same

Men and women should be treated equally, because we have this discrimination that men are more powerful than women. That men are providing the basic needs of his family and Women stays at their house and takes care of their children. But what happens right now is that women are the ones who work for their family and men stays at home. So men and women should be treated equally.

children's safety is a must

Children are still young. They must be protect because they still have a lot of things to be discovered on this world. They still have of things to explore. Children should not be abused or hurt by adults.  Because when children are hurt they'll be traumatized and will sometimes suicide. So CHILDREN'S SAFETY IS A MUST

Strengthening the culture

The aim of the esp month celebration  is to strengthen filipino culture, values and ideals. First, maka-diyos we must attend sunday masses, before sleeping and eating we must pray in order to strenghten our faith or belief to God. Second, Maka-tao through helping others or volunteering to help other strenghten this trait of us. Third, makakalikasan this is all about us protecting or nature through plating trees, keeping our sorroundings clean and joining environmental activities.

Reading is the key

Reading is the key for a great future. But first what is reading ? It is the action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or aloud. Through reading, we gain new knowledge and understanding to interact with other people. Through reading, we become smarter and smarter. And lastly we build our future through reading.