
Showing posts from October, 2018

TEACHERS : the reason why there is a better tomorrow

Our teachers are the reason why we'll be sucessful someday. They are the reason why we will go home gaining new knowledge. They are also the reason why we learn from our mistakes. We should always thank our teachers because they teach everything they know. Our teachers are the reason why we will have a better tomorrow.

Science is Revolutionary

Science is revolutionary because, it made our lives easier than before. Because of science deseases can be cured easily. Science is also reponsible for the discovery of unknown species here on earth. It is also reponsible for the discovery of heavenly bodies, asteriods, meteors, galaxies and many more. Science changed the lives of people here on our planet.

Unity is the key

This is all about countries  uniting together to help those out of reach countries. These countries are the ones who doesn't recieve enough help or relief or is not recieving anything at all. Sometimes this countries become slaves to powerful countries. The theme of the UN month celebration is all about us uniting together to help those who are in need and lastly unity is the key for a better tomorrow.